Today we are looking at some of the peony tubers we have available and how we came to sell our much sought after tubers.

What Tubers Do We Have Available This Season
We are so excited that this is the first year we have taken the plunge to identify and offer a limited variety of NZ Peony Tubers to our VIP customers who have completed the pre-order registration form on our website.
These VIP’s will get first option of the limited tubers that will be available, as listed below.
This opportunity was available up until 31 March. If you missed the cut-off date we will be offering up peony tubers of unknown varieties as we get further into autumn.
Tuber History + Where We Are Headed
Last year was the first year that we had tubers available for sale. We only offered up limited unknown varieties for sale.
This year we have taken a further step and that is to identify the first round of peony tubers available for sale. It has been quite a lengthy process to go through each variety and determine which variety they are.
When we purchased our home back in March 2017, we inherited our Paddock of Peonies which is where our business name originated from.
Simple but effective.
More About Me
I am a peony lover from way back but I will admit willingly that my knowledge of peonies was very limited, as was ability to identify the varieties except for the likes of Red Charm and Coral Sunset. Needless to say over the years my knowledge of peonies has increased considerably.
Starting The Business You Know Now…
When we first floated the idea of starting a business with the paddock of peonies we decided right then and there that we would never sell the tubers.
Lifting the tubers seemed too much like hard work.
As time has gone on and our business continues to grow one thing that became absolutely apparent is how many people out there love peonies and really want them in their own gardens to enjoy their beauty.
As there were peony blooms during the season they were tagged and photographed. The came the time intensive work, the identification of the variety. One piece of interesting information I came upon was that one bloom can show in many different ways.
Taking into account the zone, the amount of sun the plant received, the amount of frost on the plant, the soil, placement in the ground. So to identify meant looking across lots of images and growers details. For example;
Some of our beautiful tubers…
This is the many faces of the peony;
Krinkled White
The plants form an upright bush of dark green leaves that stays attractive all season. This single Japanese-style selection has crepe paper like single white flowers with delicate crinkled white petals, with a contrasting yellow centre of golden yellow stamens.

This is the many faces of the peony;
Festiva Maxima
A deservedly popular, award winning peony for over 150 years with large, pure white double flowers that are packed with frilly petals, fragrant blooms, sometimes with delicate thin crimson streaks.

This is the many faces of the peony;
Bowl of Beauty
Paeonia lactiflora ‘Bowl of Beauty’ has incredible pink flowers with a central core of tiny, strap-like petals with a wonderful fragrance.
Peony ‘Bowl of Beauty’ is a breathtaking beauty! This is a striking Japanese style peony of exceptional beauty. It has incredible rich rose-pink flowers with a central core of tiny, creamy yellowish-white strap like petals with a wonderful fragrance.

The peonies that we have available this season to our VIP’s are:
Sarah Bernhardt – Magenta
Festiva Maxima
Lady Alexandra Duff
Karl Rosenfield
Krinkle White
Sarah Bernhardt – Magenta
There is more information to come to those who registered interest in our pre-orders!
For now make sure you check out or post on how we lift our peony tubers…